Friday, June 1, 2007

And so we are here at the deadline...

If you've been following the misadventure that is Trading up, you all know that today was the deadline I had set for myself to decide upon my first trade. I had in fact decided which of the three items I was going with, but as I sat down at the computer this morning I found the following letter in my inbox:

Hey there,

I hope your week has not been NEARLY as insane as mine
has been. I'm ok, it's just been a LONG week!!
Needless to say, i'm QUITE happy it's Friday! :)

Ok, so i'm here to beg the favor of the Capt. in
trying to buy myself a coupule more days for the
deadline of the offers on Trading up. Can I get you to
agree to give me until Monday????

I had EVERY intention of getting my offer together
before the deadline of the end of the month, but alas
life happened! However, if the Captain would be so
kind as to give me until Monday to either get you my
offer or else forfit my chance for this round, I'd be
MOST appreciative and would make sure my appreciation
was properly expressed for the Captain's kindness in
granting me an extention.

And I'll even let you in on WHY I'm wanting this
particular piece of novelty - I'm putting together a
whole "Star Wars" themed gift for my dad for Father's
day, so that's why I even care at this stage,
otherwise I'd just wait and get in on this later.

So, if the Captain could be so kind and gracious as to
give me until Monday, I'd be MOST appreciative.
I'll be awaiting your reply....

A stressed-out damsel :)
Well, never let it be said that I cannot be swayed by the pleas of a damsel in distress...
even more so the type of damsel that would make a Star Wars themed gift for her Pop. I once tried to put together a "Supercar" themed gift box for my Dad, but found that "Supercar: stuff is way hard to find. Think virgin at a porn convention kinda hard.

I'm gonna give it another week or two.


Melinda said...

Okay, we need a trade here! Get going!

Stephanie said...

Yeah, I was kinda wondering myself if this whole plan has been abandoned or what.
I certainly appreciated the captain's patience with me in extending the deadline, so I made sure had my offer in less than a week later, so he's had it for 2 months now & it hasn't been put up as an offer that is being considered.
I'm with Melinda, let's get going on this if you are still going to!